Larry Scott Trail bicycle etiquette


I have recently been taking walks on the Larry Scott Trail with a friend. We attempt to “social distance” and in order to keep 6 feet apart and be able to have a conversation, one of us walks on the left side of the trail, the other on the right. With enough notice, we can move one behind the other on the same side, but none of us responds as quickly as we once may have.

Bicyclists can ride between us, though I understand that that is no one’s preference. Several times I’ve been passed at speed or admonished by annoyed bicyclists who didn’t want to slow down. I thought perhaps a reminder that the “rules of the road” for the Larry Scott, while they ask pedestrians to “make way for faster users,” ask that bicyclists to yield to all other users. These rules are posted at the trailhead but I’m guessing many bicyclists don’t know that, so here they are:


Yield to all other users.

Always use safe speeds. Slow down in crowded areas.

Alert other users before passing. Reduce speed to pass safely.

Approach horses slowly. Ask the rider for guidance. Avoid loud/startling noises.

Alice King
Port Townsend